
Davis has gone out of town a handful of times, but this is the first time Kingston has been fully aware of his absence. Yesterday he ran around the house “DAHD?” 🤷🏼‍♂️ with his little ‘idk’ shrug. Then today when I picked him up from the bed he looked around the bed concerned and did his shrug & sadly said “Dahd?. When we went downstairs, again- “dahd dahd!”. Then when he heard my sister open the door he got excited and yelled “dad!”, thinking it was Davis.


Davis has made fatherhood look so natural from the first time he held Kingston (the first baby he’s held).
Not only is he an amazing loving dad, but enables me to be the best mom that I can be. He never hesitates to give me a break when I’m frustrated, take Kingston in another room so I can sleep even when he’s running on 4 hours of sleep himself, or run to the store to get me treats- just because.

The way Kingston & Davis smile at each other melts me.
I wouldn’t want to go on this journey with anyone else.

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