10 minute breakfast burritos

You can make about 6 burritos with these ingredients, costing about $1.70 per burrito (cheaper if non organic).  I don’t use a recipe to make this, but I’ll include one just incase it’s your first time making tofu scramble.


1 package tortillas (corn if GF)

1 package tofu

1 can black beans

1 can salsa

1 avocado

1 tsp tumeric

1/2 tsp garlic powder

1/2 tsp cumin powder

1/4 tsp chili powder

Start off by drying tofu- you can put a towel around it & put something heavy on top to press out water or use a tofu press.  Crumble tofu in pan on medium & sprinkle all of the seasonings on top.  (If you aren’t a lazy B like me, you can get a separate bowl and mix all of the seasonings with oil).  Stir mix tofu with seasoning until color is consistently yellow on all of the pieces.  Tofu will need to cook for about 7 minutes, stir occasionally.  Rinse can of black beans under water (this prevents your scramble from being turned black).  Warm black beans on stove adding any desired spices.  Heat up tortillas in skillet.  Cut up your avocado (mine wasn’t ripe so I used spinach to add some green).  Add your scramble, avocado, black beans, & salsa to tortilla, wrap it up & enjoy.trader joe's vegan burrito .JPG

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