Trader Joe’s Vegan Christmas Treats


I love having finding new holiday treats! Sometimes I overlook things assuming they aren’t vegan, so I wanted to put together a list that will give you a visual of some awesome sweets from Trader Joe’s.

I didn’t initially buy these, because I was worried about the texture & flavor being like Dots, but they are really good! The red ones taste like a softer Swedish fish.

Chocolate, almonds, & sea salt… how can you go wrong?  I had never bought these  before because I assumed they weren’t vegan, I’m glad I checked!

I love traditional treats that remind you of childhood.  I’ve ate 4 of these already just this year… Ooops!

Davis bought me this chocolate passport that includes 7 chocolate bars from all over the world.  Each bar includes suggested pairings.  A cute gift idea for chocolate lovers is to give it with a bottle of wine or tea that pairs with it!

This a classic German bread with dried fruit covered in powdered sugar.  I haven’t tried it yet, but I’m going to set it out Christmas morning.

Have you tried Trader Joe’s famous cookie butter? This is the source!

I’m not a fan of Oreos, but the bits of candy cane are sooo good in this cookie.  I was thinking of making a pie crust with these.

These are mind blowing good.  So soft & fresh tasting, the box is usually gone the first 10 minutes after bringing them home.

These are a new find for me, but sound delicious!

These little marshmallows are perfect for hot chocolate or microwaving with some chocolate chips (guilty).  These taste no different than regular marshmallows, just without the animal skin & bones.

Gluten-free! I love these, they remind me of the burnt edges of brownies.  If you don’t like the dry texture, dip them in milk!

I treat myself to these all year round, a great option if you don’t want to deal with the mess of a pomegranate.


These are such an easy treat! We have them every Christmas morning.


Egg nog! I can drink this myself in a day, I get so burned out by January.


I haven’t seen these at my local Trader Joe’s yet, but they sound delicious!

*some items have processed sugar or may contain labels

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